Crimson Queen Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum ‘Crimson Queen’)

Crimson Queen Japanese Maple trees add flair and color to your garden. The Japanese maple is the prettiest of the Sapindaceae family. The best part is you will have the gorgeous fall color displayed, and it is a dwarf variety, making it suitable for bonsai container growing.

I. Appearance and Characteristics 

Noted for its persistent leaf color throughout the growing season, award-winning Acer palmatum ‘Crimson Queen’ is a medium-sized deciduous shrub of outstanding interest. Unlike most Laceleaf Japanese Maples with rich red color in spring or early summer, turning green or bronze afterward, ‘Crimson Queen’ keeps its stunning rich red coloration from spring to summer. The eye-catching foliage is finely dissected into medium to large, 7-9 lobed leaves. It turns very bright scarlet in the fall before shedding to the ground.

Crimson Queen Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum 'Crimson Queen')
Acer palmatum subsp. matsumurae ‘Crimson Queen’ CC BY-SA 4.0

More sun tolerant than most, this cultivar can be exposed to full sun with practically no sunburn. Strong-growing, this Japanese Maple features a lovely cascading habit and has become a favorite for many gardeners.

II. How to Grow and Care


The Crimson Queen Japanese maple tree is fairly forgiving when it comes to the amount of light it gets. In the northern regions, these maple trees can be grown in full sun; and in southern areas, these trees prefer part afternoon shade. If you live in a hot region, be aware that new foliage may scorch in full sun, so partial shade is a better choice for planting this type of tree.

Temperature and Humidity

Japanese maple trees thrive in warm climates, as long as the foliage doesn’t risk sun scorch. For gardeners in climates at the northern end of its range of zones 5 to 9, perhaps the biggest problem faced in growing Japanese maple trees is potential damage from a frost or a freeze. However, the roots can withstand temperatures as low as 14 degrees Fahrenheit.

Crimson Queen Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum 'Crimson Queen')
Acer palmatum ‘Crimson Queen’, La Canada, Descanso, 2017.04.18 Vahe Martirosyan CC BY-SA 2.0


Japanese maples are drought-tolerant once they have matured. However, in the beginning, they need heavy watering twice a week. If it’s dry, go up to water three to four times a week until it is well-established.


As with light, Crimson Queen Japanese maple trees are malleable with soil. The tree grows easily in organically rich, slightly acidic soil that’s kept moist but well-drained. Sandy loam soils work just fine, and Japanese maples can tolerate heavy clays. What they can’t tolerate, however, are salty soils or highly alkaline soils. Add 3 to 4 inches of shredded bark around the root of the tree as mulch.


Give a Japanese maple plenty of compost around the tree, as it feeds quite a bit. Keep adding the compost throughout spring and early summer to provide nutrients and moisture to the roots. If you don’t have compost, use an all-purpose fertilizer, per the manufacturer’s directions, around the base of the trunk in the springtime.

Planting Instructions

Crimson Queen Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum 'Crimson Queen')
Acer palmatum var. d. ‘Crimson Queen’4 MDBolin CC BY-SA 2.0

The best time for planting or transplanting a japanese maple ‘Crimson Queen’ is following defoliation in the fall. At this time, the leaves will have fallen off so there is little transpiration and water loss can be avoided. In addition, the root system will still be growing at this time, preparing for regrowth the following spring. Transplanting should be avoided on the coldest days because cold wind can kill some of the shoots and branches. During the winter, in areas that cannot be sheltered from the wind, it is recommended to cover the branches.


Japanese maple ‘Crimson Queen’ is admired for its cascading, lace-like foliage. Pruning japanese maple ‘Crimson Queen’ should be done in early spring before new growth starts. Focus on removing dead or crossing branches to maintain its shape and enhance air circulation. Avoid heavy pruning to prevent stress and preserve its natural form. Regular light pruning helps manage size and promotes a healthier structure. Always use clean, sharp tools to prevent disease. Pruning enhances not only the aesthetic appeal but also the overall health of japanese maple ‘Crimson Queen’.


Crimson Queen Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum 'Crimson Queen')
Acer palmatum var. d. ‘Crimson Queen’1 MDBolin CC BY-SA 2.0

You can propagate Japanese maple trees in the late spring by taking softwood stem cuttings or with semi-hardwood stem cuttings in the midsummer. Here’s how:

  • Cut a 6- to 8-inch new growth section.
  • Plant the cutting in a rooting soil made up of equal parts peat moss, coarse sand, and perlite.
  • Moisten with water, but don’t oversaturate the soil.
  • Place the cutting in a location that gets bright, indirect light.

Potting and Repotting

Dwarf varieties of Japanese maple trees, such as the Crimson Queen, which are less than 10 feet tall when mature can be grown in containers. If the tree grows to more than 10 feet, prune it regularly.

To grow the tree in a container: Pick a container that’s no more than twice the volume of the roots and has a drainage hole. Fill it with high-quality potting soil that’s free from slow-release fertilizer. Only fertilize the container-grown tree with a water-based fertilizer that’s been devoted to half-strength when growth begins.

Crimson Queen Japanese maple trees grown in containers require repotting regularly. Repot the tree when the roots hit the sides and bottom of the pot—typically occurs every two years or so. When repotting, prune the large woody roots to encourage small, fibrous roots in their place.


To prepare your Crimson Queen Japanese maple tree for colder weather plan ahead. Do not fertilize the tree after mid-summer, and plan to water heavily in the fall to help the root system of the tree before the cold weather comes along. After soaking, spread a thick four-inch layer of mulch around the tree trunk and root area. If the trees are in their younger years, you should protect them by wrapping them in burlap.

Any trees planted in containers, bring them indoors into a garage, for example, if in areas that will get heavy frost or freezes.

Pests and Diseases

Crimson Queen Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum 'Crimson Queen')

The Crimson Queen Japanese maple tree does have some common pests and diseases that it is susceptible to. The most common disease is a type of fungus. Canker, anthracnose, and verticillium wilt are all fungus infections that are common for this tree. Keep it pruned, the area around the tree cleaned up of dead branches and leaves, and treat the tree with a fungicide. Pests that may attack this maple tree are Japanese beetles, aphids, scale, and mites. Treat with a chemical or natural insecticide, such as Neem oil to eliminate these pests.

III. Uses and Benefits 

The Crimson Queen Japanese maple tree is perfect as a specimen plant in cottage gardens, city gardens, or Japanese gardens and containers.
