Chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ is named after a plant breeder from the US National Arboretum and is grown from the Chinese redbud tree. It features a profuse display of mauve-colored flowers over the full extent of the tree. It is shorter than its parent tree, has only a single trunk, and is sterile, meaning it does not grow seed pods.
I. Appearance and Characteristics
‘Don Egolf’ is perhaps one of the showest redbuds in the early spring. Before the leaves emerge, pink blossoms fill the branches creating a pink puffy cloud look for the entire tree. After the spring show, green heart shape leaves emerge. ‘Don Egolf’ has a slow growing compact habit reaching 6-7 ft in height and width in 10 years. ‘Don Egolf’ puts a on a spring display that will make your garden shine. Make sure to add this little beauty to your garden.

‘Don Egolf’ was the first redbud ever introduced by the US National Arboretum. It was found as a chance seedling from Cercis chinensis from China, and showed a heavy bloom set, compact habit, and good disease resistance. It was named after Dr. Don Egolf, a famous plant breeder at the US National Arboretum. ‘
II. How to Grow and Care
Eastern Redbud responds well to direct sunlight and does best in partial shade, whereas Western Redbud thrives in full sun. That’s why chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ is found in a variety of moist, well-drained soils, and grows more densely on sunny slopes where it enjoys more intense sunlight with less plant competition.
Chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ adapts to wide fluctuations in temperature and growing environment, ranging from -28 ℃ in the winter to 32 ℃ during summer. To induce flowering, chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ needs temperatures below -2 ℃. Some research reports it can withstand 40 ℃. Chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ grows in areas with an annual rainfall of 51 to 127 cm. It needs sufficient water for its growth and is somewhat resistant to drought.

Originating from regions with distinct seasons, chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ thrives in moderately moist soil, reflecting its adaptability to a balanced water regime. It has a moderate drought tolerance but benefits from consistent moisture. Watering should occur twice a week to maintain this balance. As an ornamental deciduous plant commonly grown outdoors, chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ requires careful attention to watering during its active growing season to support its vibrant flowering.
Eastern Redbud can well grow outdoors in moist, loamy, or sandy soils. Its occurrence on slopes with more sunlight is prevalent. It is acclimatized to a wide range of pH; however, it thrives best with a pH range of 6.6-7.8 or above. It doesn’t tolerate inundated sites, poorly aerated soils, or sandy soils.
Western Redbud is adapted to grow in a wide variety of soils, including course and nutrient-deficient soils that are well-drained. It grows as an understory cover tree and is fairly tolerable to lime and acidic soils. It also tolerates alkaline soil and clay; its best pH range is 5.5-7.8.
Being a member of the pea or Leguminosae family, chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ can fix nitrogen, so there is no need to add nitrogen fertilizer to these plants because excessive nitrogen application invites caterpillars and sucking pests to your plants. Add some compost in the soil before planting to help extend moisture retention.
At the time of planting, mix phosphorus supplementation with planting soil to help roots develop. As chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ is primarily planted due to its clustering flowering patterns, boost flowering by applying fertilizer rich in boron to leaves at the start of the spring.
Planting Instructions

Chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ is fairly easy to propagate by direct sowing. It can also be grown in a container during spring or fall.
Collect seeds from pods with a dark brown or reddish-brown color, as this indicates the maturity of the seed pods. Preserve seeds in an airtight container at 3 ℃. The hard outer seed covering requires seed scarification and stratification to break dormancy. Put seeds in steaming hot water for 30 minutes and follow moist sand stratification for 6-8 weeks at 5 ℃. Seeds are now ready to be planted during the current fall or upcoming spring.
Dig the soil to a depth of 30 cm; make a fine tilth that allows the young roots to easily penetrate it. Chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ has a tap root system that grows quickly during the first year. Bed size can be adjusted depending on the available space. During late spring, put your seeds in the bed to a depth of 4 to 5 cm and cover gently with garden soil. Seedlings or already growing plants can also be planted in prepared beds adopting the “balled and burlapped” method.
Chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ requires regular pruning for pedestrian clearance beneath the canopy, as it usually branches low on the trunk. The tree grows in a multi-trunk fashion that can be trained to continue with a single dominating trunk. Trees must be pruned to remove overcrowded branches, weak branches, forks, and dead limbs to give its canopy a rounded, vase shape that adds value to your garden landscape.
Prune at the appearance of new leaves or in the late fall. Reduce the number of lateral branches and maintaining a reasonable distance between them.

Chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ can be propagated successfully through cutting. However, it is essential to select the healthiest stem cuttings, preferably new growth that shows no signs of damage or disease. Cut a 4-6 inch length just below a node, dip the cut end in rooting hormone for better establishment. Plant it in a well-draining soil mix and maintain consistent moisture without overwatering. Root development generally occurs within a few weeks, after which gradual acclimatization to outdoor conditions is crucial for chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf”s healthy growth.
The prime time for relocating chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ is after the thaw of spring into the embrace of early summer, ensuring robust growth. Choose a spot with dappled sunlight and well-draining soil. A gentle touch is crucial when transitioning chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ to a new home.
III. Uses and Benefits

Chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ is prized for its ornamental value, making it a popular choice for residential gardens, parks, and public landscapes. Plant it as a specimen tree or in groupings to create a focal point in the landscape. Its vibrant spring flowers and attractive foliage provide year-round interest and beauty.
Due to its moderate size and adaptable nature, Chinese redbud ‘Don Egolf’ is well-suited for urban landscapes and small garden spaces. Plant it along streets, in courtyards, or in containers on patios and balconies to add color and texture to urban environments.