Large Whorled Pogonia (Isotria verticillata)

Isotria verticillata is a terrestrial orchid, commonly known as large whorled pogonia. It is native to eastern North America and grows in acidic soils in forest habitats and bogs. It produces non-showy blooms in late spring and early summer.

I. Appearance and Characteristics

Isotria verticillata, commonly known as the large whorled pogonia and purple fiveleaf orchid, is an orchid species native to eastern North America.

The orchid’s native range is across the Eastern United States in the Appalachian Mountains, the central and eastern Great Lakes region, and elsewhere from Maine south to Florida, and westward from Michigan south to Texas. It is also native to Ontario, Canada.

It grows in acidic soils in forests and in peat bogs.

Isotria verticillata is a terrestrial orchid spreading by underground rhizomes.

Its leaves are green above, waxy and a bit whitened below.

The flowers are yellowish-green, up to 110 mm (4.3 inches) across.

Large Whorled Pogonia (Isotria verticillata)

II. How to Grow and Care

Large whorled pogonia is a temperate woodland species with particular growing requirements, making it challenging to care for outside its natural habitat. Key care needs for large whorled pogonia include maintaining consistently moist, well-draining soil, and providing dappled shade to mimic its natural forest environment. Special care points for this species involve safeguarding its delicate root system during transplantation and ensuring the soil is rich in organic matter to support its growth.


Large whorled pogonia flourishes best under full sun, where it can absorb the ample light needed for optimal growth and photosynthesis. Despite this preference, large whorled pogonia exhibits a degree of light flexibility, tolerating both partial sun and full shade conditions. However, straying too far from its ideal can lead to subdued flowering and vigor. Adaptive traits may include leaf orientation adjustments to maximize light capture. Outdoors, large whorled pogonia should be sited in locations that receive unobstructed sunlight, accounting for daily and seasonal changes to ensure consistent light exposure. Carefully balanced light conditions are essential for maintaining the health and reproductive success of large whorled pogonia.


Orchid plants are native to tropical and subtropical regions, preferring warm, moist conditions. Optimum growth temperatures are between 18 to 28 ℃, and it’s best if there is a certain difference in temperature between day and night: for example, 20 to 25 ℃ during the day and 15 to 18 ℃ at night. Large whorled pogonia is a drought-tolerant plant, but cannot tolerate waterlogging, and grows well at 50-70% humidity. If the leaf tips are withered, it means the environment is too dry. Use a humidifier or spray bottle to increase the air humidity.


Thriving in its native understory habitat, large whorled pogonia has adapted to the consistent moisture levels found in woodland environments. This species exhibits a preference for evenly moist soil conditions and is moderately tolerant of brief dry spells. Watering should be maintained at a steady pace of once every week to align with its natural rhythm. As an outdoor plant, large whorled pogonia benefits from the dappled light that simulates its native forest floor, which plays a crucial role in maintaining adequate soil moisture without waterlogging.


The “soil” required for large whorled pogonia is special because, as an epiphyte, it originally grew on big trees in tropical forests. You need to mimic this growing environment with, for example, water moss, wood chips, coconut shells, volcanic stones, or perlite as soil substrate. You can also buy orchid-specific soil directly from gardening stores.


For large whorled pogonia, apply high-nitrogen fertilizer biannually in spring and fall. This boosts growth, enhances flowering, and increases vigor. Use a balanced, diluted solution, conscientious of large whorled pogonia’s delicate roots. Seasonal adjustments curtail fertilization in dormant winter. Always water soil before applying to prevent root burn. Practical tip: sparingly fertilize, observing large whorled pogonia’s response, to avoid overfertilization.

Planting Instructions

You do not need a large pot to grow an large whorled pogonia as it won’t produce a vigorous root system that occupies much space. If the pot is too large, the soil tends to collect water and cause root rot. The height of the pot should be 2.5 cm taller than the (pseudo)bulb of the large whorled pogonia. You can easily buy large whorled pogonia in a local gardening store and simply place it in breathable, well-drained substrate. After planting, use upright sticks to support flowering branches. In warm, humid climates, cover the root of large whorled pogonia with sphagnum moss and attach them to a tree with strings.


It is best to prune wilted large whorled pogonia flowers promptly after blooming to reduce unnecessary nutrient consumption and promote more blooms. Trim withered and diseased leaves promptly to increase air circulation, thus reducing pests and diseases.


Native to North America, large whorled pogonia is a perennial orchid revered for its unique floral display. The propagation primarily involves division, which should be handled with care due to its delicate roots. For successful propagation, divide the rhizomes with a sterile instrument to prevent infection, ensuring each division contains at least one pseudobulb. Transplant the divisions into humus-rich, well-drained soil, mimicking the large whorled pogonia’s natural woodland habitat. Consistent moisture and dappled shade will encourage growth. Be patient, as large whorled pogonia can be slow to establish.


For large whorled pogonia, the pinnacle transplanting window is during the gentle embrace of mid-spring through the onset of summer. Choose shaded locales with moist soil, enhancing stability and growth post-transplant. Remember, a gentle touch works wonders when relocating large whorled pogonia.

III. Harvesting and Storage

If you want to display large whorled pogonia flowers in vases, harvest there are only 2-3 flowers blooming on the stem. Cut diagonally at the bottom of the flower stem, and place it in a vase immediately. You can enjoy the cut flower in clean water for about 14 days, or for a longer time with preservatives.
