A cool to intermediate growing species requiring medium light levels. Best grown in New Zealand sphagnum moss. These plants will reward you with 5-7 pure white flowers with yellow on the upper part of the lip. The flowers last well and the plants can grow into nice specimens quite readily.
I. Appearance and Characteristics
Cuitlauzina pulchella also called as The Beautiful Cuitlauzina, Osmoglossum pulchellum, Odontoglossum pulchellum, Odontoglossum pulchellum var. dormanianum, Osmoglossum pulchellum f. dormanianum, is a species of the genus Cuitlauzina. This species was described by Robert Louis Dressler & Norris Hagan Williams in 2003.
Cuitlauzina pulchella is native to Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador. In Mexico, the plants meet in the state of Chiapas. They usually grow as epiphytes in pine and oak forests at heights of 1400-2100 m, but sometimes they are found in more humid forests.
It is a medium sized, cool to cold growing, epiphytic species, which reaching 46 cm high, with clustered, ovoid to ovoid-ellipsoid, compressed, ancipitous, 10 cm long pseudobulbs enveloped basally by several, imbricate, distichous, membranous, leaf-bearing sheaths carrying 2 to 3 apical, coriaceous, erect spreading, linear-ligulate , acute, 36 cm long leaves.
The Beautiful Cuitlauzina blooms in the fall and winter with an erect to pendulous, 12 to 50 cm long, raceme with 3 to 4 scarious bracts and triangular, scarious floral bracts that is shorter than the leaves arising on a mature pseudobulb with 4 to 10, fragrant, non-resupinate, long-lasting flowers. The white flowers often have pink flaky side pants.
Their diameter is about 3 cm with the inner petals scattered and 4 cm from the tip of the petal dorsolateral to the lateral ends of the outer petals. The lip is directed upwards and is approximately 2 cm long and 1.2 cm wide after stretching. It bends at a right angle at the top of the bead, and the top bends so that its apex is directed back towards the ovary. The fleshy, yellow thickening at the base of the lip has dark red spots and is composed of two lateral edges that are ended with large straight tips and a triangular edge that faces the prone.
II. How to Grow and Care
Cuitlauzina pulchella needs a light level of 15000-25000 lux.
The average temperature of the summer day is 22 ° C, night 14 ° C, giving a daily difference of 8-9 ° C. The average temperature of the winter day is 19-22 ° C, the night 9-10 ° C, and the daily difference is 10-11 ° C.
For most of the year, The Beautiful Cuitlauzina needs the humidity of 75%, but at the end of winter and spring, for 4 months it drops to 65%.
In the summer and beginning of autumn the precipitation is abundant, followed by a six-month drought lasting from late autumn to the beginning of spring. During the growing season, the plants should be abundantly watered, with only slight drying between watering. When new growths reach maturity in autumn, the amount of water should be gradually reduced.
Substrate, growing media and repotting
Cuitlauzina pulchella are generally grown in pots, which are filled with a loose, fast-drying substrate.
During the active growth, the plants should be fertilized every week 1/4-1/2 of the recommended dose of fertilizer for orchids.
Rest period
For most of winter, Cuitlauzina pulchella should dry out between waterings, but they can not stay dry for too long. However, for a period of about one month at the end of spring, they should stay dry longer between watering. Fertilization should be eliminated until new growths appear in the spring and regular watering.