The pineapple sage plant is found in gardens to attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Salvia elegans is a perennial in USDA zones 8 through 11 and is often used as an annual in other places. The crushed plant leaves smell like pineapple, hence comes the common name of the pineapple sage plant. The easy care of pineapple sage is one more reason to have it in the garden.
I. Appearance and Characteristics
Salvia elegans, a species with several varieties including pineapple sage and tangerine sage, is a perennial shrub native to Mexico. It inhabits Madrean and Mesoamerican pine-oak forests between 6,000 and 9,000 ft (1,800 and 2,700 m).
Salvia elegans Pineapple Sage has tubular red flowers and an attractive scent to the leaves that is similar to pineapple. It produces numerous erect leafy stems up to 150 cm and flowers in the late autumn. The red flowers are attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. In a highland temperate forest in central Mexico, pineapple sage was found to be one of the three most-visited species by hummingbirds. It is a short-day plant. The flowering season in Mexico is August onward; further north it may not flower till later autumn, and if there is no frost, it may flower until Spring.

The variety “Honey Melon”, which has the same pineapple fragrance in the leaves, blooms early in the summer, rather than in autumn.
Salvia Elegans Tangerine Sage grows to about 60 cm – 90 cm tall, has bronze edged leaves and a citrus scent. It is summer flowering.
In cultivation, pineapple sage grows to 1.2 to 1.5 m (3.9 to 4.9 ft) tall, with the roots extending underground to form a large clump. The pale yellow-green leaves are veined, and covered with fine hairs. Six to twelve scarlet flowers grow in whorls, with a long inflorescence that blooms gradually and over a prolonged period of time. With a hard frost, the plant will die down to the ground and grow back the following spring. Pineapple sage was introduced into horticulture about 1870.
II. How to Grow and Care
Growing pineapple sage in a spot that receives at least 6–8 hours of bright sun daily will help you get lots of flowers. However, pineapple sage can also tolerate some light afternoon shade, particularly in the hottest weather. Considering that pineapple sage’s taste and aroma are influenced by climate and weather patterns, it’s important to provide this plant with the right balance of sun and shade.
Temperature and Humidity
Pineapple sage grows as a perennial in Zones 8–11, but the plant will often die back to the ground after a hard frost. In these zones, cut down the pineapple sage and add a thick layer of mulch around the plant to shelter it against the worst of the winter weather. While pineapple sage can handle temperatures as low as 20°F, it should be overwintered indoors or kept as an annual in Zone 7 and colder. The plant grows well in average humidity of 40-50 percent.

Although pineapple sage has some drought tolerance, the foliage starts to wilt and curl up if your plant is too dry. Even moisture throughout the growing season ensures healthy foliage and prevents leaf drop.
After planting, you might need to water several times a week, moving to weekly once it settles in, depending on your region’s weather and moisture levels. Keep an eye on your plant, and if you notice wilting or curling, that’s a sign you need to increase irrigation.
The plant adapts to a variety of soils. Fertile, consistently moist soils high in organic matter produce the best results. Pineapple sage won’t do well in soggy conditions, so a free-draining medium is crucial.
If you amend the soil with compost before planting pineapple sage, you often won’t need to add any extra fertilizer to your plant. However, if you want to improve its growth and bloom development, you can feed pineapple sage with a light application of a balanced, organic fertilizer during the growing season, following the instructions on the product packaging.
Planting Instructions
Plants grown from nursery starts should be planted outdoors in spring after the danger of frost has passed. When you’re ready to plant the pineapple sage in your garden, dig a hole about as deep as your plant’s pot and two to three times as wide. Locate your plant in the hole at the same depth it was growing in its nursery pot, and then backfill the hole with soil. For even better results, amend the soil prior to planting with compost or aged manure to give the sage plant an extra boost.
Pineapple sage can be planted on its own or in a grouping of multiple plants spaced 2–3 feet apart. Pineapple sage can also be grown in containers at least 12–14 inches in diameter, as long as the pots have plenty of drainage holes.
You can also grow pineapple sage transplants from seeds, but the seeds can be difficult to come by. If you can get your hands on seeds, start them indoors in seedling trays in early spring and set out the plants after all danger of frost has passed.

Pruning pineapple sage is optional, but it does help improve the look of the plant and encourage it to produce new leaves. If you keep pineapple sage as an annual, simply pinch away some of the new growing tips of the plant, and it will grow back even fuller. When grown as perennials, pineapple sage can be pruned lightly in late winter to early spring by snipping away any overgrown or damaged branches with loppers or pruners.
Pineapple sage can be propagated via seed or stem cuttings, although cuttings are recommended for cultivars.
- Cuttings
In fall or spring, take 6-inch cuttings from new shoots with leaves rather than older stems with flower buds. Remove the leaves from the bottom half of the cutting. Pineapple sage is easy to root in water in a glass sitting on a sunny windowsill or in a potting medium. No rooting hormone is needed. After the plant roots, wait until the weather is warm to move it to the garden. Pineapple sage won’t tolerate cold weather.
- Seeds
After the pineapple sage plant flowers, wait for the seed pod to dry on the plant. Cut the stem holding the flower and seed pod and move it to a paper towel in a cool area to continue drying. Rub the seed pod between your fingers to release the seed. Store the seeds in an envelope in a dry area until you are ready to start them indoors in early spring in peat pots.
Potting and Repotting
Pineapple sage is an excellent container plant. Choose a container 12-18 inches wide with drainage holes. Fill it with rich, well-draining soil and add pineapple sage transplants. Water it well and place it in a location that receives full sun. It will need to be watered more frequently than in-ground pineapple sage plants. Planting in a container makes it easier to move the plant indoors or to a sheltered area in Zones 7 or colder. Repotting won’t be necessary when it is grown as an annual in containers outdoors. The plants will die, and the container can be replanted the following spring. In mild climates, where it grows as a perennial, repot it annually in a container 2-inches wider and filled with fresh potting medium
Pests and Diseases

Pineapple sage has a rich scent that naturally repels many common pests, including deer. However, while this plant is naturally resistant to many common garden insects, there are a few exceptions: mealybugs and aphids.
Mealybugs are a variety of scale insects that feed on plant sap and can weaken plants over time. When they invade, mealybugs congregate on plant leaves and stems, and they look a bit like tiny, white balls of fury cotton. Organic insecticidal soap and neem oil sprays can work on these insects, but don’t apply these products to plants in flower; they can harm pollinators.
Like mealybugs, aphids also feed on plant sap, but they are a bit easier to treat. While insecticidal soaps and neem oil can work on aphids, often spraying aphids with a strong blast from your garden hose is just as effective.
How to Get to Bloom
These cold-sensitive, late-season bloomers have beautiful foliage that contrasts well with other colorful perennials, but the flowers (that are similar to honeysuckle) are particularly striking. However, you’ll only get to appreciate the tubular, scarlet-red blooms on the pineapple sage in warmer climates when grown outdoors.
The flowers can grow to be 2 inches long and typically bloom in late summer and through fall (usually from August to October). When grown in greenhouses or indoors, they may flower right through to early spring, but cooler outdoor winter temperatures bring the bloom season to a close.
The flowers are attractive to pollinators, particularly hummingbirds and bees, and are a great late source of nutrition when food sources become scarce.
Getting the balance right with irrigation is crucial to seeing an abundant bloom, as are warm temperatures and plenty of sun. However, these are short-day flowering plants which means they won’t do well where they get a lot of bright, artificial light in the fall that extends their day.
III. Types of Pineapple Sage

There are a few pineapple sage cultivars you can look out for. Check out the ones below for inspiration:
- Salvia elegans ‘Honey Melon’: If you’re looking for a pineapple sage that blooms a little earlier in the summer and has a more compact growing habit, this could be the cultivar to choose (it doesn’t grow higher than 3 feet). It’s great in small gardens in cooler northern regions, and it gets its name from the melon-like fragrance of the crushed leaves.
- Salvia elegans ‘Scarlet pineapple’: One of the most widely available cultivars, this plant produces an abundance of large blooms, with a red tinge on the leaf edges.
- Salvia elegans ‘Tangerine’: As the name suggests, this variety produces a more citrus-like fragrance. The foliage is smaller, and the flowers are darker and earlier to bloom than in the standard species.
IV. Uses and Benefits
- Ornamental uses
Pineapple sage blooms also make fantastic cut flowers, and their bright color is sure to enliven any flower arrangement.
- Medicinal uses
The plant is used in Mexican traditional medicine, especially for anxiety and hypertension.
- Culinary uses
Both the leaves and flowers of pineapple sage are edible and can be harvested as soon as they reach a usable size. After harvesting, pineapple sage can be infused into cocktails or teas or used as a garnish or salad topper.