Pink lady slipper (Cypripedium acaule) thrives best in a habitat that closely mimics its native woodland environment, necessitating special attention to soil and lighting conditions. Key to its survival is a well-draining, acidic soil rich in organic matter, mimicking the forest floor. It requires dappled light, simulating the natural light under the canopy of trees. Pink lady slipper’s specific needs and sensitivity to environmental changes make it a challenge for even the seasoned horticulturist.
I. Appearance and Characteristics
Cypripedium acaule is a species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae native to eastern North America. It is currently the provincial flower of Prince Edward Island, Canada, and the state wildflower of New Hampshire, United States.
The genus Cypripedium is one of five genera in the subfamily of slipper orchids Cypripedioideae. Cypripedium acaule was first described in the Western European tradition by the Scottish botanist William Aiton in 1789. He referred to it as the two-leaved lady’s slipper.
Cypripedium acaule is commonly referred to in English as the pink lady’s slipper or moccasin flower. The specific epithet acaule means “lacking an obvious stem”, a reference to its short underground stem, for which reason the plant is also known as the stemless lady’s-slipper. In Anishinaabemowin, it is known as makizinkewe.

Cypripedium acaule is a perennial plant. It grows slowly and up to 0.4 m (1 ft 4 in). Unlike most other species of Cypripedium, the pouch of C. acaule opens in a slit that runs down the front of the labellum rather than a round opening. The plant consists of two plicate leaves near the ground. From between those leaves sprouts a long, pubescent stalk that bears a single pink flower. The sepals and petals tend to be yellowish-brown to maroon with a large pouch that is usually some shade of pink but can be nearly magenta. Leaves are simple, elliptical in shape and opposite in arrangement.
This plant grows in soils below a pH of 5, often at 4–4.5. At this high acidity soil fungus is suppressed, and C. acaule can thrive. There is even evidence that it is partially myco-heterotrophic, parasitizing fungus that attempts to invade its roots. However, in soils above pH 5, soil microbes become more than C. acaule can manage, and the plants rot. Seedlings germinated in a sterile environment can grow and thrive in a much higher pH than 5, but must be grown below 5 if removed from the sterility.
II. How to Grow and Care
Cypripedium acaule needs light shade to high open shade (70% shade cloth is satisfactory). Though they grow in full sun in the wild, under cultivation they do not need that much light. It also reduces the moisture demand which is by far greater with more light. During winter protection from direct sun is beneficial, for potted plants essential, in order to prevent the plants from thawing during daytime. Otherwise the temperature fluctuation causes losses, especially in the first winter after potting.
Moccasin Flower need a limit daily maximum temperatures to less than 26°C in summer and a minimum winter nighttime temperature of 4 to 7°C, with daytime temperatures of 10 to 16°C. In winter temperatures of -20°C or lower are no problem, even for potted plants. Additionally, covering the pots with brushwood from spruce trees is recommended.

The Pink Ladies Slipper like humidity levels around 50%. Too dry air has a negative effect on the development of the plant: its growth is inhibited, and the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out. The higher the temperature, the higher the humidity should be, and the higher the humidity, the more often and longer it is necessary to ventilate the room where the plants are contained, otherwise the probability of rotting and various kinds of fungal diseases.
Moccasin Flower like to be moist, but they won’t tolerate getting soaked on a constant basis. You don’t want to allow them to dry out either, and you should water them twice a week during the growing months from April through October. From October through the end of May, these orchids go into a dormant period where they require less water and fertilizer. You can cut back your watering to once a week with periodic checks to ensure they’re staying moist.
Watering is directly dependent on the temperature of the content, the higher it is, the more often it needs to be watered. When watering, excess water should flow freely from the pot, since stagnation of water both inside the pot and in its pan can very quickly lead to rotting of the roots and the lower part of the plant.
Substrate, growing media and repotting
Cypripedium acaule can be grown in large pots and require repotting about every 4 to 5 years. They prefer a well-aerated and free draining humus rich soil that does not readily dry out. Adding perlite to improve drainage and aeration is recommended.
When repotting, place the bud just at the surface of the potting mix but do not bury it. It can be covered with a light dressing of sand or fine gravel to protect it from pests.
Fertilizing is especially important during the formation of the shoots in spring. The leaves should always be vibrant green. Most common fertilizers for perennials are suitable; best are those with a long-term effect. As soon as you notice new growth beginning at the start of the growing period, you should feed your orchid every 10 days with a diluted half strength balanced fertilizer. You can alternate this balanced fertilizer with a seaweed-based fertilizer every other feeding. When your orchid goes dormant, you can stop fertilizing them throughout their dormant period. They won’t need it until you start to see new growth in the spring, and then you can resume feeding your orchid every 10 days.
Rest period

Cypripedium acaule need a rest period at 0-4 ° C and kept in the dark for at least 3 months with less water in the winter, especially if they grow under the conditions of a dark, short day that occurs at moderate latitudes. They should dry somewhat between waterings, but they should not be dry for a longer period. Frequent morning fogging and rare, economical watering should allow the plant to go through a dry period of rest, while providing it with sufficient humidity. Fertilization should be reduced or eliminated until new growths appear and a more abundant spring watering begins.
Planting Instructions
- Indoors-potted:In an indoor setting, pink lady slipper thrives when its mimicry of the forest floor environment is maintained; ensuring proper drainage is crucial.
- Outdoors-potted:Pink lady slipper can be challenging to cultivate outdoors in pots due to their specific symbiotic soil requirements that are hard to replicate.
- Outdoors-in the ground:When planted in the ground outdoors, pink lady slipper prefers undisturbed native habitats and may not tolerate conventional garden settings well.
It is best to prune wilted pink lady slipper flowers promptly after blooming to reduce unnecessary nutrient consumption and promote more blooms. Trim withered and diseased leaves promptly to increase air circulation, thus reducing pests and diseases.
You can propagate pink lady slipper by division or by cuttings.
- Propagation by division
Using a pink lady slipper with more stems is a better option for the division. You should do this after blooming. When dividing the plant, dig it up carefully with its roots intact, and cut the roots into several clusters from the base. Remember to use clean tools and disinfect the wounds with a fungicide. Then plant your divided clusters in containers and keep them in a cool place. While the new roots are growing, spray them with plenty of water to prevent them from drying out.

- Propagate by cuttings before flowering
Choose a healthy, thick stem, remove the leaves, and cut it into small 2-node pieces. Insert the bottom directly into the substrate. Keep the substrate moist, and they will root and sprout in about 2-3 months. You can also propagate by cuttings by laying the entire stem on top of moist substrate, and cutting it into pieces after it roots and sprouts. Transplant those rooted cuttings into pots for further growth. A third way to propagate by cutting is possible during weather with high temperatures, when the stems develop roots, and you can cut them off and plant them.
The best window for transplanting pink lady slipper is during ‘S1-S3’ months, when the plant is dormant and stress is minimal. Ensure a shady, well-drained area to mimic its natural woodland habitat. A friendly reminder: transplant success can be unpredictable, so patience is key with pink lady slipper transplanting!
III. Harvesting and Storage

If you want to display pink lady slipper flowers in vases, harvest there are only 2-3 flowers blooming on the stem. Cut diagonally at the bottom of the flower stem, and place it in a vase immediately. You can enjoy the cut flower in clean water for about 14 days, or for a longer time with preservatives.