Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium)

Rattlesnake master (Eryngium yuccifolium) is a herbaceous perennial plant species that grows best in full sunlight and dry soil. Rattlesnake master is drought tolerant and erosion resistant. The leaves of this coarse plant have been used by Native Americans to create both baskets and sandals. Monarch butterflies love the nectar from this flower, giving them nutrients to complete their yearly migration south.

I. Appearance and Characteristics

Eryngium yuccifolium, known as rattlesnake master, button eryngo, and button snake-root, is a perennial herb of the parsley family native to the tallgrass prairies of central and eastern North America. It grows from Minnesota east to Ohio and south to Texas and Florida, including a few spots in Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware.

The common name “rattlesnake master” is attributed to early European pioneers erroneously believing the plant to be an antidote for rattlesnake venom based upon Native Americans’ various medicinal uses of the plant. The species name yuccifolium “yucca-leaved” was given because its leaves resemble those of yuccas.

The leaves are stiff, long and narrow with a sharp tip, 15–100 cm (0–5 ft) long but only 1–3 cm (0.39–1.18 in) broad. They are bluish-green, and covered in a waxy coating. On the edges are regularly spaced bristles or spines. The root system consists of a central taproot surrounded by thick fleshy fibrous roots.

It grows up to 1.8 m (5.9 ft) tall, with 10–40 dense, ball-shaped umbels of flowers produced at the top of each stem. Each of these condensed umbels is 1–3 cm (0.5–1 in) in diameter, resembling flowerheads. Individual flowers in the umbels are small, 3–4 mm in diameter, with greenish-white or bluish-white petals and a faint honey-like scent. Underneath each flower is a spiny green bract, and underneath each flower cluster is a small star-like rosette of spiny bracts. The flowers are produced in July and August.

Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium)
Eryngium yuccifolium RATTLESNAKE MASTER gmayfield10 CC BY-SA 2.0

After the flower buds open, the pollen matures and is released two to three days before the stigmas become receptive. This encourages cross-pollination by making it unlikely that a given flower’s pollen will fertilize the stigma of the same flower. Rattlesnake master has an unusually high seed set (close to 90%).

It does best with full sun and well-drained soil, with a pH range from 5-7.5. It can die from root rot if the soil stays wet or moist for too long. Once planted it is best left undisturbed and never dug up and reset as with many perennials because it develops a large taproot and other thick, fleshy roots. It often self-sows a little to a good amount in gardens. When planted from seed, a period of cold-moist stratification is required.

II. How to Grow and Care

Light & Temperature

Eryngium yuccifolium can’t survive in anything less than full sun. Plant it in a full sun area, and avoid planting in shade, as this will stunt its growth. It can survive in USDA Hardiness Zones 4-9. Make sure to keep them in a well-lit spot in your garden.

Rattlesnake master handles very high temperatures easily as a drought-tolerant plant. When it comes to winter temperatures, fear not! Especially in its wide native range, it dies back in winter to return again in spring.

Water & Humidity

Eryngium yuccifolium plants contain a large deep taproot that helps the plant survive during dry, hot months. Their watering needs are dry to medium as they can’t tolerate soils with standing water. Watering is necessary once a week when the plants are young and once or twice a month once they are established. If you water too often, the roots could rot. Most of the time, they don’t need additional water in their native range.


Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium)
Eryngium yuccifolium – Rattlesnake Master – Photo 81444879, (c) Thomas Koffel, some rights reserved (CC BY) Thomas Koffel CC BY 4.0

Rattlesnake master thrives well in dry to medium, well-drained soils. However, it prefers dryish, sandy soil and tends to sprawl when grown in overly fertile soil. It’s tolerant of clay soil, shallow rocky soil, loamy soil, and dry soil. The ideal pH is slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. Most garden soils and compost-heavy soil types are too nutrient-rich for this plant.


Rattlesnake master plants don’t require heavy fertilizers, as the presence of nitrogen can encourage weed competition. Therefore, only fertilize this native plant if the soil indicates a severe deficiency. In most cases, fertilizer will cause issues with Eryngium yuccifolium.


Since these plants have deep tap roots, they transplant poorly. Once established, it’s best to leave undisturbed in prairies. Direct sow them to avoid the need to transplant at all. You can also allow the flower spikes with their tiny flowers that have 5 white petals to release seeds for self-sowing – a natural part of the rattlesnake master life cycle.


The plant can sprawl quickly in rich, fertile soil, which provides an interesting landscape for winters. Prune them once the flowering season is over. Simply cut back the stems of the white flowers or leave them as seed heads that look extremely attractive during the colder months. The entire plant is habitat for overwintering insects. Therefore, there really isn’t a need to prune.


Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium)
Eryngium yuccifolium rattlesnake master Sesamehoneytart CC BY-SA 3.0

Directly sow seeds in spring to avoid the need to transplant at all.

Prior to sowing, provide the rattlesnake master seeds with simulated cold stratification. Keep the seeds in a plastic bag with some sand in the refrigerator for 2 months before planting. If you’re sowing in fall, broadcast them in your desired area and wait for them to germinate in spring.

How to save seed

You can save seed from Rattlesnake Master in Autumn. To save Rattlesnake Master seed, collect seed heads about 4-6 after blooming and once the seed heads have turned brown. Then, shake the seed heads in a plastic container to release seed/chaff. Store fully dried seed in a sealed plastic container or zip-lock bag in a cool dry place.

Pests and Diseases

Common Pests

The rosette of blue-green leaves and flowers is resistant to pests and unpalatable to deer and rabbits. They are, however, sometimes consumed by voles. Unfortunately, there’s not a viable vole treatment out there, so monitor your plant if you know voles live in your yard.

While some sources may indicate the rattlesnake master borer moth (Papaipema eryngii) is a problem, these claims are likely overblown. The Papaipema eryngii moth is a specialist consumer whose only food source is rattlesnake master. Do not try to keep them from nesting in your plant. Both the plant and the moth are experiencing decline, and hosting them in your garden will help them immensely.

Common Diseases

Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium)
Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium) wackybadger CC BY-SA 2.0

Eryngium yuccifolium isn’t prone to disease problems but is sometimes susceptible to root rot and powdery mildew. As mentioned previously, limit watering if the blue-green leaves start to brown. If left untreated, root rot can kill the entire plant. Inspect the plant carefully and cut the damaged area to save the healthy roots and stems.

For powdery mildew, avoid overhead watering as it contributes to humidity. Prune them as soon as you spot overcrowding to encourage air circulation.

Growing Problems

Rattlesnake master plants can’t tolerate overly moist soil. It quickly develops root rot. For this reason, keep the hydration minimal. Make sure watering only takes place in the morning so the soil can dry completely during the day.

Although the plant can tolerate high winds, it is vulnerable to lodging, where stems bend over and mat on the ground. If you’re planting it in coastal regions with harsh conditions, keep it in a well-protected spot.

III. Uses and Benefits

Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium)
Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium) wackybadger CC BY-SA 2.0
  • Ornamental uses

This unusual wildflower is an interesting addition to flower borders in cottage and informal gardens, and especially naturalized prairies and meadows. Because of its fondness for moist areas, rattlesnake master can also be grown in pond areas, water gardens, and bog gardens. The round flowerheads are nectar-rich, making this perennial a great addition to native wildlife and pollinator gardens.

  • Other uses

Fibers of rattlesnake master have been found as one of the primary materials used in the ancient shoe construction of midwestern Native Americans.

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