Shimadaijin Tree Peony


Tree peonies derive their name from the woody stems they develop over time, making their display larger and more dramatic than herbaceous peonies. They actually resemble a woody shrub when mature and should be given a place of prominence in the border. Shimadaijin creates a bold display with its extremely large double blooms. The goblet-shaped flower form is made of rich purple, silky petals—a lavish display over deep green leaves. With no need to prune after flowering, this pretty peony will produce up to 100 flowers per plant all on its own. A legacy tree peony with exceptional hardiness—it’s sure to last a lifetime. Because it does not die back to the ground each winter, it grows larger and more beautiful year after year. Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Shimadaijin’Peonies have few requirements: give them a sunny well-drained location, plant 2-4’ apart, with the eyes (new buds at the crown) no more than 2″ below soil level and apply fertilizer or compost in spring. They take a while to establish, often 3 years before the first bloom—but the wait is worth it. They are heirloom quality. Let them grow undisturbed and they will bring joy to you and your loved ones through the decades.

  • Botanical Name:

    Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Shimadaijin’

  • Form:
  • Sun Exposure:
    Full Sun, Partial Shade
  • Height/Habit:
    4 – 5 feet
  • Spread:
    36 inches
  • Spacing:
    4 feet
  • Hardiness Zone:
  • Flowering Date:
    Mid Spring
  • Planting Instructions:
    Dig a hole large enough to spread out roots without bending them. Set roots 1″ – 2″ below ground-level. Water in thoroughly. Plant at least 6 weeks before ground freezes.
  • Winter Care:
    None special, a mulch could be a good idea in the coldest zones the first winters
  • Growth Rate:
  • Flower Color:
  • Flower Form:
    Semi double, 7-9″ across
  • Foliage Type:
    deeply cut into large pointed lobes
  • Pruning:
    not necessary After flowering
  • Soil Requirement:
    well-drained, humus enriched

Shimadaijin Tree Peony Details

Plant type House & Patio