Shinseiki Pear Tree (Pyrus ‘Shinseiki’)

Shinseiki Pear Tree

  • Lemon-Yellow Round Asian Pear
  • Mild, Sweet & Delicate Flavor
  • Crispy & Crunchy Texture
  • Stores Well, Fresh Eating, Baked & Cooking
  • Early Spring White Flowers & Pink Highlights
  • Produces 2nd or 3rd Year!
  • Highly Productive Large Yields
  • Early Fall Harvest
  • Handsome Green Foliage
  • Red-Orange Fall Color!
  • Vigorous Growth & Smaller-Sized Tree
  • Long-Lived
  • Disease Resistant & Low Maintenance
  • Partially Self-Fruitful – Much Larger Yield with a Second Tree
  • 300-400 Chill Hours

Why wait years to enjoy this deliciously juicy pear?

The Shinseiki Asian Pear (Pyrus ‘Shinseiki’) bears fruit in the second or third year, so you could be harvesting up to 100 pears in just a few short years. Increasing as the tree grows, as time passes, you will be enjoying enormous crops to share with family and friends!

The Shinseiki Asian Pear Tree blooms early, and the beautiful white blossoms with pink anthers will fill the air with a fragrant aroma that will tickle your nose and delight your imagination.

Developed in the 1940s and producing lemon-yellow pears with just a hint of russet. These fruits are medium-large, and like all Asian pears, they are round! They are crisper and crunchier than their European cousins and are sweet with a mild, delicate flavor.

So bite into one of these crisp and juicy pears straight from the tree or bake them into crisp or cobbler. You can even dice them and add them to coleslaw for a delicious dish. But don’t forget that they store for months in the refrigerator, so save a few for a cool, crisp snack.

Looking more like an apple than a pear, the fruit ripens mid-late summer, and it produces a large crop with regularity. Its fruit lasts well on the tree too, so you can pick ripe fruit multiple times.

And between the spring bloom and the fall harvest, you can enjoy its deep green foliage, then the leaves turn a vibrant reddish-orange in the fall.

Shinseiki Pear Tree not only makes great fruit but is a beautiful tree that is considered partially self-fertile but having another Asian Pear or European Pear planted nearby, always increases fruit set for both. Some to include as pollinators are Aurora, Bartlett, Flemish Beauty, Moonglow, Korean Giant, Red Clapp’s Favorite. It is always a good idea to check with your local County Extension Office to see if they know of varieties that seem to flower at the same time and perform best in your area.

How to Use Shinseiki Pear Tree In The Landscape

A smaller ornamental tree such as this easily takes the spotlight in your front yard landscaping! The blooms are show-stopping and the handsome foliage creates a picturesque form all summer.

Those golden gems dangling from every branch will certainly have everyone’s eyes on your property in the fall!

Plant one near your seating area, patio or by a garden bed for shade and lovely accents. Be sure to set it outside a window you frequently walk past, just so you can keep it in full view and watch as the seasons change!

Line your driveway or the side of your property with a hedgerow of fruit-producing privacy and screening! Imagine a fantastic property definition that serves up dessert.

Tips For Care

Your Shinseiki Asian Pear loves full sun, preferring morning sun and at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day for optimal health. Hardy in USDA growing zones 5-9, you can be assured this pear is cold hardy and heat tolerant.

It does well in a variety of soil types, but make sure it is in a site with enriched, well-drained soil. You should water it weekly, more often in hot, dry weather. Young trees especially require consistent moisture while they’re getting established.

A generous layer of mulch helps retain soil moisture as well as insulate the root system from heat and chill.

Prune to keep an open canopy so that both sunlight and airflow reach the interior. Head over to our Garden Blog for more Fruit Tree Planting, Fruit Tree Pruning and Fruit Tree Care tips and tricks can be found!

Your Shinseiki Asian Pear grows vigorously, reaching a manageable height. Once established, it requires little work, it resists most diseases and is cold-tolerant as well.

Your mature tree will provide more pears than you can count, and the Shinseiki Asian Pear can live up to 50 years, you will have these wonderful pears for decades!

Shinseiki Pear Tree (Pyrus ‘Shinseiki’) Details

Common name Shinseiki Pear Tree
Botanical name Pyrus 'Shinseiki'
Plant type Deciduous
Hardiness zone 5-9
Growth rate Medium
Harvest time 2-3 Years
Height 12 - 18 ft.
Width 10 - 12 ft.
Sunlight Full Sun
Moisture Medium
Soil condition Well Drained
Pollinator-friendly Yes
Pruning time Late Winter
Flower color White