Sunset Glow Bamboo (Fargesia rufa)

Sunset Glow Bamboo


What is Sunset Glow Bamboo

  • Fast Growing
  • Great for Small Spaces
  • Cold and Heat Tolerant
  • Interesting Color

Fast Growing

The Sunset Glow Bamboo is rapidly gaining popularity in the landscaping world because of its incredibly fast growth and unique form. Maturing up to just 6-8 ft. tall, it’s a preferred choice by our customers who want to add interest to their garden, patio or property line.

This bamboo variety is non-aggressive and non-invasive. It won’t run all over your yard like “running” bamboos… it “clumps”, meaning its much more easy to maintain.

Relatively New Variant for Small Spaces

The new “Sunset Glow” green bamboo is one of the most popular dwarf varieties… making it a smart choice for small areas. It’s a creative way to add greenery to urban patios.

Cold and Heat Tolerant

This is perhaps the easiest-to-grow bamboo variety available. It’s incredibly cold-hardy, growing in zones 5-9 and withstanding temperatures as cold as -10° F. It’s even tolerant of harsh sunlight, heat and drought conditions. In fact, its leaves won’t curl up and shrivel due to lack of water… unlike other needy bamboo varieties.

Unique Color

The Sunset Glow’s deep green foliage really stands out against its orange-red stems, making it an amazing accent plant – and looks just as impressive as a stand-alone focal point

Sunset Glow Bamboo (Fargesia rufa) Fargesia rufa

How to Grow and Care for Sunset Glow Bamboo

Sunset Glow Bamboo (Fargesia rufa) Growing requirements

Hardiness zone 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Plant your Sunset Glow Bamboo in an area that’s protected from high winds and receives full to partial sunlight. For a hedge or privacy screen plant your Sunset Glow Bamboo plants about 3 feet apart.

Sunset Glow Bamboo will adapt to your natural soil even if it’s sandy or heavy in clay as long as it’s well draining. Depending on your climate water your Sunset Glow Bamboo 2 – 5 times a week. Don’t over saturate your soil. Your Bamboo will need more water in drier climates.

Early every Spring and Fall fertilize your Sunset Glow Bamboo with a slow release fertilizer that’s high in nitrogen. Standard lawn fertilizers that are high in nitrogen work very well.

Sunset Glow Bamboo (Fargesia rufa) Details

Common name Sunset Glow Bamboo
Botanical name Fargesia rufa
Plant type Hedges, Shrubs
Growth Rate Fast
Hardiness Zone Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9
Height 6-8 ft.
Width 5-6 ft.