Egyptian Star Cluster (Pentas lanceolata)

Pentas (Pentas lanceolata) is one of the best pollinator-attracting plants around. It blooms all summer long, even during the hottest weather conditions. The large clusters of starry blooms on pentas are the perfect landing pads for pollinators such as butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees. Blooms come in shades of pink, white, red, and lavender. The plant grows well both in the ground and in containers and even makes a good houseplant if enough light is present.

I. Appearance and Characteristics

Pentas lanceolata, commonly known as Egyptian starcluster, is a species of flowering plant in the madder family, Rubiaceae that is native to much of Africa as well as Yemen. It is known for its wide use as a garden plant where it often accompanies butterfly gardens.

Pentas (Pentas lanceolata) are warm-climate perennials primarily known for their star-shaped flowers. In cooler climates, you can plant them as annuals in the early summer. Pentas plants have a couple of alternative common names, including Egyptian star cluster and Egyptian star flower. Pentas plants belong to the family Rubiaceae—the same family as gardenias and coffee plants.

Egyptian Star Cluster (Pentas lanceolata)
Pentas lanceolata Dinesh Valke CC BY-SA 2.0

Pentas come in a wide array of flower colors—from white to soft pink to fiery red—depending on the species. Pentas flowers are effective at attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies and produce a sweet nectar favored by hummingbirds as well. For a show-stopping butterfly garden, grow pentas alongside lantanas, butterfly bush, marigolds, and salvia. Pentas are nontoxic to pets and humans and are not considered an invasive species.

II. How to Grow and Care


Egyptian starcluster require full sun exposure. Planting it in partial shade can result in decreased blooming.


Egyptian starcluster is not cold-tolerant and will only overwinter in places where the temperature stays above 5 ℃. In other areas, it can be grown as an annual or brought indoors for the winter – the plant thrives in warm, sunny weather with consistent moisture and won’t tolerate soggy soil conditions.


Water Egyptian starcluster whenever the top inch of soil dries out, averaging once a week. You may need to water it more often during the growing period as well as hot and dry weather. Container plants may need to be watered daily in the summer. Do not let the roots sit in water.

Egyptian Star Cluster (Pentas lanceolata)
Egyptian star cluster / Pentas lanceolata / 草山丹花(クササンタンカ) TANAKA Juuyoh (田中十洋) CC BY 2.0


Egyptian starcluster prefers fertile, well-drained soil. Soggy soils can cause root rot and should be avoided. The plant will thrive in neutral soil – a pH of about 7 is ideal for blooming. When growing in containers, select a well-draining potting mix.


Fertilize egyptian starcluster with a well-balanced fertilizer (such as 13-13-13) every two weeks during the summer blooming period. Make sure the fertilizer is not acidic as this can burn the plant. The amount of fertilizer required will depend on the plant’s height. Generally, 1 cup of fertilizer is required for every 1.5 m. Sprinkle the fertilizer near the drip line.

Planting Instructions

Egyptian starcluster can be started from seed or purchased as transplants. To grow from seed, sow indoors 7-9 weeks before your last expected frost in containers of potting mix. Keep the soil moist and provide light. Placing your seedlings under grow lights or fluorescent lights for about 16 hours per day is ideal.

Before transplanting, you’ll need to adjust the seedlings to outdoor conditions by taking them outside for a few hours per day and gradually increasing the time over a couple of weeks. Only plant out seedlings after all danger of frost has passed, and wait for a cloudy day if possible. Then, dig a small planting hole, add in some compost, and place the seedling in at the same depth as it was in the pot. Gently but firmly pack the soil in around it with your hands.


Egyptian Star Cluster (Pentas lanceolata)
Pentas lanceolata Kumaravel CC BY 2.0

The overall habit of these plants is neat and compact. If plants get too long and woody, cut them back—the plants will rejuvenate themselves. You can also prevent overgrowth by giving the plants a pinch at the tips when they are young to encourage low branching. Keep plants deadheaded and remove any spent blooms to encourage the constant reproduction of flowers.


If desired, Egyptian starcluster can easily be grown from seed from your own plants. Avoid deadheading spent blooms and allow the plants to produce seed. Let the seeds dry on the plant and then turn the flower upside down over a paper bag and gently tap it, so that the seeds drop into the bag. Store them in a cool, dry place until you’re ready to plant them.

You can also propagate your egyptian starcluster by taking cuttings. Dip your cuttings into rooting hormones and then push them into containers of sterile potting mix.

Pests and Diseases

Newer varieties have improved disease resistance. While pentas don’t face many problems with disease, spider mites and aphids can be a problem. Keep an eye out for these (especially in the heat of the summer) and take care of them at the first signs of a problem.


Cover the surrounding soil with a layer of mulch to help keep the soil moist. When pentas become too dry, they are prone to spider mite infestations.


Egyptian Star Cluster (Pentas lanceolata)
Cologne Germany Flora-Köln-Pentas-lanceolata-01 CEphoto, Uwe Aranas CC BY-SA 3.0

The best time to plant your Pentas lanceolata is in the spring when the water temperature is at least 25° C. You can plant your plant in a plastic container with holes drilled into the top or bottom one hole per stem to allow for proper drainage.

You should fertilise your Pentas lanceolata every two weeks until it reaches 2 inches tall. After this point, you should only fertilise once per month.

Pentas lanceolata requires very little light during its early stages of growth. However, as it matures and grows taller, it will need more light than before. You can provide this by placing your plant in an area with plenty of sunlight.

III. Types of Pentas

Penta varieties bloom in colors that range from white and pale lavender to pink and deep red. Here are some favorites.

  • ‘Butterfly Light Lavender’ Pentas

Pentas ‘Butterfly Light Lavender’ bears lavender-pink flower heads on compact 14-inch-tall plants.

  • ‘Graffiti Bright Red’ Pentas

Pentas ‘Graffiti Bright Red’ bears large clusters of rich-red flowers on dwarf 12-inch-tall plants.

  • ‘Graffiti Lipstick’ Pentas

Pentas ‘Graffiti Lipstick’ is adorned by clusters of bright rosy-pink flowers on compact 12-inch-tall plants.

  • ‘Graffiti Pink’ Pentas

Pentas ‘Graffiti Pink’ bears big heads of pink flowers on 12-inch-tall plants.

  • ‘Graffiti Red Lace’ Pentas

Pentas ‘Graffiti Red Lace’ bears large heads of red flowers with white centers on 1-foot-tall plants.

  • ‘Graffiti White’ Pentas

Pentas ‘Graffiti White’ bears large flower heads of pure-white blooms on 12-inch-tall plants.

  • ‘Kaleidoscope Appleblossom’ Pentas

Pentas ‘Kaleidoscope Appleblossom’ shows off clusters of soft-pink flowers through the summer. It grows 18 inches tall.

Pentas ‘Kaleidoscope Deep Red’ is an especially showy selection with clusters of rich-red flowers all summer long. It grows 18 inches tall.

  • ‘Kaleidoscope Pink’ Pentas

Pentas ‘Kaleidoscope Pink’ bears large clusters of soft-pink blooms on 18-inch-tall plants.

  • ‘Northern Lights Lavender’ Pentas

Pentas ‘Northern Lights Lavender’ is a large selection that’s been bred to tolerate cooler temperatures. It offers lavender-pink flowers on a 4-foot-tall plant.

IV. Uses and Benefits

Egyptian Star Cluster (Pentas lanceolata)
Pentas lanceolata white Tauʻolunga CC BY-SA 3.0

Pentas lanceolata is best used fresh or dried as a herbal tea or tincture. It has been used medicinally for centuries. Its root was traditionally used to ease pain and inflammation in joints and muscles while its leaves were used as an anti-inflammatory agent for wounds and skin conditions. Modern science has found that Pentas lanceolata contains vitamins B1, B2, C and E which are beneficial when taken internally due to their antioxidant properties.

Find Where to Buy the Best Egyptian Star Cluster (Pentas lanceolata)

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