Red Tea Plant


Grow Your Own Tea on a Beautiful Flowering Shrub

The Red Leaf Tea Plant allows you to harvest your own endless supply of tealeaves only a few steps away, in the comfort of your own yard and home. The leaves you harvest yourself for brewing will taste stronger and more flavorful than the teas commonly found in grocery stores.

How do you like your tea, green, white, or black? You can easily dry your tealeaves and mix them with your favorite ingredients like blueberries or mint to craft your favorite tea flavors. There are a ton of possibilities! Just remember to pick the newest growth at the top of your plant for the most flavor.

With each sip of your tea you’ll be naturally nourishing your body and providing yourself with tons of health benefits. Red Leaf Tea Leaves are loaded with anti oxidants to protect your eyes, hair and skin, tannins to clean your body of toxins, zinc, potassium and more to give your immune system a boost.

Along with a constant supply of tealeaves you’ll have a unique shrub that fills the landscape with year round beauty. The new growth is red once it emerges, before turning a shade of lush green. Plant your tea plants in rows for a privacy hedge or border rows, or train them as trees to accent the garden.

In the fall the Red Leaf Tea Plant erupts with soft, pink blossoms all over the branches. They glow out in the landscape and fill it with a sweet floral fragrance while other plants are entering dormancy.

Red Leaf Tea Plants are low maintenance shrubs with a high tolerance for droughts and heat. Once you plant them they will thrive on their own without needing to be constantly checked on or cared for.

This tea variety is recommended for growing zones 7 – 9, but will flourish in containers. If you live farther north than zone 7 simply place your Red Leaf Tea Plants in pots and bring indoors for the colder months.

Red Tea Plant Details

Plant type House & Patio